Ab is for absorb. |
Ac is for accreditation. |
Ad is for adjourn, adequate to(p) and adequate. |
Ae is for aeration. |
Af is for afford, affection and afar. |
Ag is for ago and again and again. |
Ah is for ahead. |
Ai is for aircraft. |
Al is for along and alveolus. |
Am is for ambush. |
An is for answer, anti-semitic and analyst. |
Ap is for applicable. |
Aq is for aqueous solution. |
Ar is for arrive. |
As is for as and ask for. |
At is for attract. |
Au is for authorize. |
Av is for avoidance and avert. |
Aw is for away(p). |
Ax is for axis. |
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