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A is for adult.
B is for born, blossom and base.
C is for cross(a), commerce and colonial.
D is for drunkenly.
E is for emotion, established and effect.
F is for fence, first step and frequent.
G is for glue.
H is for hold back.
I is for important, impotent and interpret.
J is for joint resolution and justify.
K is for kill.
L is for last(a).
M is for molecular.
N is for new york city and neither.
O is for other.
P is for platoon.
Q is for quasi(a), question and queer.
R is for railroad station.
S is for seek and single(a).
T is for training and take root.
U is for ulcer, unexpected and unaware.
V is for volume and virtually.
W is for widen and wednesday.
X is for xylem.
Y is for young girl, yokuts and young woman.
Z is for zero.
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Goa_powder means
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