Dictionary and Thesaurus

  Definition of Doctor

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Similar Words: doc, physician, MD, Dr., medico, Doctor of the Church, Doctor, repair, mend, fix, bushel, furbish up, restore, touch on, sophisticate, doctor up


Hyponyms: abortionist, allergist, angiologist, extern, medical extern, gastroenterologist, general practitioner, GP, hakim, hakeem, house physician, resident, resident physician, intern, interne, houseman, medical intern, primary care physician, quack, specialist, medical specialist, surgeon, operating surgeon, sawbones, veterinarian, veterinary, veterinary surgeon, vet, Averroes, ibn-Roshd, Abul-Walid Mohammed ibn-Ahmad Ibn-Mohammed ibn-Ros, Avicenna, ibn-Sina, Abu Ali al-Husain ibn Abdallah ibn Sina, Barany, Robert Barany, Bartholin, Caspar Bartholin, Bruce, David Bruce, Sir David Bruce, Crohn, Burrill Bernard Crohn, Down, John L. H. Down, Eijkman, Christiaan Eijkman, Fallot, Etienne-Louis Arthur Fallot, Gilbert, William Gilbert, Harvey, William Harvey, Hodgkin, Thomas Hodgkin, Jacobs, Aletta Jacobs, Jenner, Edward Jenner, Klinefelter, Harry F. Klinefelter, Harry Fitch Kleinfelter, Lozier, Clemence Sophia Harned Lozier, Manson, Sir Patrick Manson, Mesmer, Franz Anton Mesmer, Friedrich Anton Mesmer, Paracelsus, Philippus Aureolus Paracelsus, Theophrastus Philippus Aureolus Bombastus von Hohe, Roget, Peter Mark Roget, Ross, Sir Ronald Ross, Rush, Benjamin Rush, Schweitzer, Albert Schweitzer, Shaw, Anna Howard Shaw, Simpson, Sir James Young Simpson, Sydenham, Thomas Sydenham, The English Hippocrates, Willebrand, von Willebrand, E. A. von Willebrand, Erik von Willebrand, Erik Adolf von Willebrand, Ambrose, Saint Ambrose, St. Ambrose, Aquinas, Thomas Aquinas, Saint Thomas, St. Thomas, Saint Thomas Aquinas, St. Thomas Aquinas, Athanasius, Saint Athanasius, St. Athanasius, Athanasius the Great, Augustine, Saint Augustine, St. Augustine, Augustine of Hippo, Basil, St. Basil, Basil of Caesarea, Basil the Great, St. Basil the Great, Bede, Saint Bede, St. Bede, Baeda, Saint Baeda, St. Baeda, Beda, Saint Beda, St. Beda, the Venerable Bede, Gregory, Gregory I, Saint Gregory I, St. Gregory I, Gregory the Great, Gregory Nazianzen, Gregory of Nazianzen, St. Gregory of Nazianzen, Jerome, Saint Jerome, St. Jerome, Hieronymus, Eusebius Hieronymus, Eusebius Sophronius Hieronymus, John Chrysostom, St. John Chrysostom, tinker, fiddle, fill, piece, patch, cobble, point, repoint, trouble-shoot, patch up, sole, resole, vamp, revamp, heel, reheel, darn


Member Meronyms: doctor-patient relation


Derivational Morphology: doc, physician, MD, Dr., medico, restoration, repair, fix, fixing, fixture, mend, mending, reparation, repairman, repairer, maintenance man, service man, fixer, mender, tinker, tinkerer


Language Translations:
Bulgarian: доктор   Chinese: 醫生 and 博士  
Danish: doktor and dyrlæge and læge   Dutch: dierenarts and doctor and dokter  
Esperanto: doktoro and kuracisto   Finnish: eläinlääkäri and lääkäri and tohtori  
French: médecin   German: Arzt and Doktor and Tierarzt  
Greek: διδάκτορας and ιατρός   Hebrew: דוקטור and רופא  
Hungarian: állatorvos and doktor and orvos   Icelandic: dýralæknir and læknir  
Italian: dottore and medico and veterinario   Japanese: 獣医師 and 医師 and 博士  
Latin: medicus   Maltese: dottor and tabib and veterinarju  
Novial: doktore and medike   Portuguese: doutor  
Romanian: medic   Russian: доктор  
Serbian: lekar   Slovak: doktor and veterinár  
Slovene: doktor and zdravnik   Spanish: médico  
Swedish: doktor   Turkish: doktor and veteriner  
Ukrainian: ветеринар and доктор and лікар   Urdu: ڈاکٹر  
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