See Also: decompose, break up, break down
Hyponyms: burst, split, break open, puncture, bust, smash, ladder, run, snap, crack, break up, fragment, fragmentize, fragmentise, crush, give the axe, give the bounce, give the gate, disunify, break apart, disassociate, dissociate, divorce, disunite, disjoint, break with, secede, splinter, break away, break, subdivide, format, initialize, initialise, sectionalize, sectionalise, triangulate, unitize, unitise, lot, parcel, sliver, paragraph, canton, Balkanize, Balkanise
Grouped Verbs: break
Entailments: marry, get married, wed, conjoin, hook up with, get hitched with, espouse
Derivational Morphology: fault, geological fault, shift, fracture, break, breakage, breaking, dissolution, breakup, rupture, breach, severance, rift, falling out, schism, split, separatist, separationist, legal separation, separation, detachment, division, splitter, divider, partition, divorce, divorcement, divorcee, grass widow
Anagrams: silt up
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