Hyponyms: banana split, pop, blow, stave, stave in, maul, laminate, disperse, dissipate, scatter, spread out, break up, diffract, give the axe, give the bounce, give the gate, disunify, break apart, disassociate, dissociate, divorce, disunite, disjoint, break with, split up, secede, splinter, break away, break, subdivide, format, initialize, initialise, sectionalize, sectionalise, triangulate, unitize, unitise, lot, parcel, sliver, paragraph, canton, Balkanize, Balkanise
Grouped Verbs: cleave
Part Meronyms: Croatia, Republic of Croatia, Hrvatska
Derivational Morphology: separate, part, split, split up, break, break up, cleave, rive, rend, rip, pull, tear, rupture, snap, bust, burst, break open, divide, dissever, carve up, explosion, rent, snag, rail-splitter, splitter, cleft, cleavage, cleaver, meat cleaver, chopper, schism, farewell, leave, leave-taking, parting, separation, dissolution, breakup, breach, severance, rift, falling out, separatist, separationist, legal separation, detachment, division, divider, partition
Language Translations: | |||
Catalan: partir and repartir | Dutch: splitsen and verdelen | ||
Finnish: halkaista and jakaa | French: diviser and fendre | ||
German: verteilen | Italian: dividere and spartire | ||
Polish: dzielić | Portuguese: dividir | ||
Russian: делить and расщеплять | Spanish: partir and repartir |
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