See Also: reduce, cut down, cut back, trim, trim down, trim back, cut, bring down, rear, raise, bring up, nurture, parent
Hyponyms: Dutch, Dutch people, British, British people, the British, Brits, English, English people, the English, Irish, Irish people, the Irish, French, French people, Spanish, Spanish people, Swiss, Swiss people, the Swiss, Dominion, Reich, rogue state, renegade state, rogue nation, suzerain, sea power, world power, major power, great power, power, superpower, city state, ally, banana republic, fatherland, homeland, motherland, mother country, country of origin, native land, buffer state, buffer country, kingdom, tax haven, European country, European nation, African country, African nation, Asian country, Asian nation, South American country, South American nation, North American country, North American nation, Antigua and Barbuda, Cape Verde, Republic of Cape Verde, Sri Lanka, Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, Ceylon, Comoros, Federal Islamic Republic of the Comoros, Cuba, Republic of Cuba, Haiti, Republic of Haiti, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Barbados, Trinidad and Tobago, Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, Cyprus, Republic of Cyprus, Dominica, Commonwealth of Dominica, East Timor, Fiji, Republic of Fiji, Israel, State of Israel, Yisrael, Zion, Sion, Etruria, Australia, Commonwealth of Australia, Micronesia, Federated States of Micronesia, TT, Marshall Islands, Republic of the Marshall Islands, Tuvalu, Kiribati, Republic of Kiribati, Nauru, Republic of Nauru, Papua New Guinea, Independent State of Papua New Guinea, Bahamas, Commonwealth of the Bahamas, Bahama Islands, sultanate, Burkina Faso, Upper Volta, Indonesia, Republic of Indonesia, Dutch East Indies, Grenada, Maldives, Republic of Maldives, Malta, Republic of Malta, Mauritius, Republic of Mauritius, New Zealand, Palau, Republic of Palau, Philippines, Republic of the Philippines, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Christopher-Nevis, St. Christopher-Nevis, St. Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, St. Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Samoa, Independent State of Samoa, Western Samoa, Samoa i Sisifo, Sao Tome and Principe, Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe, Sao Tome e Principe, Sao Thome e Principe, St. Thomas and Principe, Seychelles, Republic of Seychelles, Solomon Islands, Rus, Soviet Union, Russia, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, USSR, Russian Federation, Ukraine, Ukrayina, Turkmenistan, Turkomen, Turkmen, Turkmenia, Tonga, Kingdom of Tonga, Friendly Islands, Turkey, Republic of Turkey, Vanuatu, Republic of Vanuatu, New Hebrides, archduchy, barony, duchy, dukedom, earldom, emirate, empire, fiefdom, grand duchy, viscounty, khnate, realm, principality, princedom, Kingdom of God, sheikdom, sheikhdom, suzerainty, America, the Americas, archipelago, beachfront, cape, ness, coastal plain, floor, foreland, forest, woodland, timberland, timber, hills, island, isthmus, landmass, mainland, neck, oxbow, peninsula, plain, field, champaign, slash, wonderland, badlands, bottomland, bottom, coastland, cultivated land, farmland, plowland, ploughland, tilled land, tillage, tilth, overburden, permafrost, rangeland, turf, sod, sward, greensward, wetland, freehold, glebe, leasehold, smallholding, homestead, fief, feoff, countryseat, Crown land, manor, seigneury, seigniory, signory, hacienda, plantation, entail, farmstead, no man's land, lotusland, lotus land, alight, light, perch, force-land, beach, port, disembark, debark, set down, touch down, undershoot, belly-land, crash land, ground, run aground
Part Meronyms: country, state, land, Earth, world, globe
Derivational Morphology: farm, ground, run aground, earth, down, shoot down, land, set ashore, shore, put down, bring down, set down, lander, dry land, solid ground, terra firma, landing
Language Translations: | |||
Albanian: vend | Basque: lur | ||
Bulgarian: земя | Catalan: atterrar and terra | ||
Chinese: 土地 | Croatian: zemlja | ||
Danish: land | Dutch: land and landen | ||
Esperanto: lando | Estonian: maa and maanduma | ||
Finnish: laskeutua and maa | French: se poser and terre | ||
German: Land and landen | Greek: προσγειώνω and ξηρά | ||
Hebrew: ארץ and לנחות | Hungarian: leszáll and ország | ||
Icelandic: land and lenda | Ido: lando | ||
Indonesian: tanah | Italian: terra | ||
Japanese: 着陸 and 土地 | Korean: 내리다 and 땅 | ||
Latin: terra | Lithuanian: sausuma | ||
Maltese: art | Norwegian: land | ||
Novial: lande | Polish: kraj and lądować | ||
Portuguese: aterrissar and terra | Romanian: ţară | ||
Russian: земля and приземляться | Serbian: земља, zemlja | ||
Slovene: kopno and pristati | Spanish: aterrizar and tierra | ||
Swahili: ardhi | Swedish: land |
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