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  Definition of Light

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Similar Words: light source, lighter, igniter, ignitor, lightness, sparkle, spark, luminosity, brightness, brightness level, luminance, luminousness, Inner Light, Light, Light Within, Christ Within, visible light, visible radiation, lighting, illumination, illume, illumine, light up, illuminate, fire up, unhorse, dismount, get off, get down, alight, perch, fall, ignite, easy, loose, promiscuous, sluttish, wanton, light-colored, friable, sandy, wakeful, lite, low-cal, lightsome, tripping, clean, clear, unclouded, idle, unaccented, weak, scant(p), short, flimsy, faint, swooning, light-headed, lightheaded, lightly


See Also: white, achromatic


Hyponyms: anchor light, riding light, riding lamp, blinker, flasher, fairy light, flood, floodlight, flood lamp, photoflood, headlight, headlamp, houselights, jacklight, navigation light, night-light, panel light, room light, searchlight, sidelight, running light, strip lighting, theater light, torch, cigar lighter, cigarette lighter, pocket lighter, fuse, fuze, fusee, fuzee, primer, priming, match, lucifer, friction match, aura, aureole, halo, nimbus, glory, gloriole, sunniness, highlight, highlighting, brightness, illuminance, illumination, incandescence, luminescence, glow, traffic light, traffic signal, stoplight, beam, beam of light, light beam, ray, ray of light, shaft, shaft of light, irradiation, candlelight, candle flame, corona, counterglow, gegenschein, daylight, firelight, fluorescence, friar's lantern, ignis fatuus, jack-o'-lantern, will-o'-the-wisp, gaslight, radiance, glowing, half-light, lamplight, meteor, shooting star, moonlight, moonshine, moon, starlight, sunlight, sunshine, sun, scintillation, streamer, torchlight, twilight, spotlight, light up, fire up, reignite, kindle, enkindle, conflagrate, inflame, flare up


Grouped Verbs: accrue, fall


Attributes: dark, bright, dull, lightness, value, weight


Entailments: smoke


Part Meronyms: electromagnetic spectrum


Derivational Morphology: illume, illumine, light up, illuminate, ignite, fire up, sparkle, scintillate, coruscate, illumination, illuminance, illuminant, lighting, lightness, luminosity, brightness, brightness level, luminance, luminousness, light source, visible light, visible radiation, lighter, igniter, ignitor, dismount, ignition, firing, kindling, inflammation


Language Translations:
Afrikaans: aansteek and lig and skyn   Albanian: dritë  
Arabic: نور (nur), ضوء (Dau')   Armenian: թեթև and լույս and լուսավորել and ճրագ and սփրթնած and վառել  
Bulgarian: светлина   Catalan: clar and encendre and lleuger and llum  
Chinese: 照明 and 點火 and and   Croatian: osvijetliti and svjetlo and upaliti  
Danish: antænde and belyse and kalorielet and let and lys   Dutch: aansteken and licht and lichten  
Esperanto: lumo   Estonian: valgus  
Finnish: kevyt and kevyt- and sytyttää and vaalea and valaista and valo   French: allumer and léger and lumière  
German: anzünden and beleuchten and erleuchtet and Erleuchtung and hell and leicht and Licht and Lichtquelle   Greek: φως and φωτίζω and φωτεινός and αχνός and ανάβω  
Hungarian: fény and gyújt and könnyű and világít and világos   Icelandic: bjart and fölur and fitulítill and kveikja and léttur and lýsa and ljós  
Indonesian: cahaya   Italian: accendere and chiaro and illuminare and leggero and luce  
Japanese: 照らす and 軽い and and 引火   Korean: 가볍다 and and 불붙이다 and 불켜다 and  
Latin: illuminare and levis and lux   Latvian: aizdedzināt and apgaismot and gaisma and gaišs and viegls  
Lithuanian: šviesa   Malayalam: കത്തിയ്ക്കുക and പ്രകാശിയ്ക്കുക and വെളിച്ചം  
Norwegian: lett and lys and opplyse and opplyst and tenne   Persian: نور (nur)  
Polish: jasny and lekki and oświetlić and rozpalić and światło and źródło   Portuguese: acender and clara and iluminar and leve and luz  
Russian: бледный and зажигать and лёгкий and освещать and свет and светлый   Slovak: osvetlenie and svetlo and svietiť and zapáliť  
Slovene: lahek and luč and osvetliti and prižgati and svetel and svetloba   Spanish: iluminar and ligero and luz and prender  
Swedish: belysa and belyst and blek and lätt and ljus and tända   Tagalog: ilaw  
Telugu: కాంతి and జ్ఞానజ్యోతి and జ్యోతి and ప్రకాశింపజేయు and వెలిగించు   Turkish: aydınlatmak and hafif and soluk and yakmak and ışık  
Ukrainian: запа́лювати and легкий and світло   Vietnamese: ánh sáng and chiếu sáng and nhạt and nhẹ and sáng and đèn and đốt  
Welsh: cynnau and golau and goleuo and ysgafn  
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