Dictionary and Thesaurus

  Definition of Soul

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Similar Words: person, individual, someone, somebody, mortal, human, soulfulness, psyche


Hyponyms: self, adult, grownup, adventurer, venturer, anomaly, unusual person, applicant, applier, appointee, appointment, capitalist, captor, capturer, changer, modifier, color-blind person, commoner, common man, common person, communicator, contestant, coward, creator, disputant, controversialist, eristic, engineer, applied scientist, technologist, entertainer, experimenter, expert, face, female, female person, individualist, inhabitant, dweller, denizen, indweller, native, indigen, indigene, innocent, inexperienced person, intellectual, intellect, juvenile, juvenile person, lover, leader, male, male person, money handler, money dealer, national, subject, nonreligious person, nonworker, peer, equal, match, compeer, perceiver, observer, beholder, percher, precursor, forerunner, primitive, primitive person, religionist, religious person, sensualist, traveler, traveller, unfortunate, unfortunate person, unwelcome person, persona non grata, unskilled person, worker, African, person of color, person of colour, Black, Black person, blackamoor, Negro, Negroid, White, white person, Caucasian, Amerindian, Native American, Slav, Gentile, Jew, Hebrew, Israelite, Aries, Ram, Taurus, Bull, Gemini, Twin, Cancer, Crab, Leo, Lion, Virgo, Virgin, Libra, Balance, Scorpio, Scorpion, Sagittarius, Archer, Capricorn, Goat, Aquarius, Water Bearer, Pisces, Fish, abomination, abstainer, abstinent, nondrinker, achiever, winner, success, succeeder, acquaintance, friend, acquirer, active, actor, doer, adjudicator, admirer, adoptee, adversary, antagonist, opponent, opposer, resister, advisee, advocate, advocator, proponent, exponent, affiant, amateur, apprehender, appreciator, arrogator, authority, autodidact, baby boomer, boomer, baby buster, buster, bad guy, bad person, baldhead, baldpate, baldy, balker, baulker, noncompliant, bullfighter, toreador, bather, beard, bedfellow, best, topper, biter, blond, blonde, bodybuilder, muscle builder, muscle-builder, musclebuilder, muscleman, bomber, brunet, brunette, candidate, prospect, case, cashier, celebrant, celebrator, celebrater, chameleon, charmer, beguiler, child, baby, chutzpanik, closer, clumsy person, collector, aggregator, combatant, battler, belligerent, fighter, scrapper, complexifier, compulsive, computer user, contemplative, convert, copycat, imitator, emulator, ape, aper, counter, crawler, creeper, creature, wight, creditor, dancer, social dancer, dead person, dead soul, deceased person, deceased, decedent, departed, debaser, degrader, debtor, defecator, voider, delayer, deliverer, demander, differentiator, discriminator, disentangler, unraveler, unraveller, dissenter, dissident, protester, objector, divider, domestic partner, significant other, spousal equivalent, spouse equivalent, double, image, look-alike, dresser, dribbler, driveller, slobberer, drooler, drug user, substance abuser, user, ectomorph, effecter, effector, Elizabethan, emotional person, endomorph, enjoyer, enrollee, explorer, extrovert, extravert, faddist, faller, fastener, fiduciary, first-rater, follower, free agent, free spirit, freewheeler, fugitive, runaway, gainer, weight gainer, gambler, gatekeeper, gatherer, good guy, good person, granter, greeter, saluter, welcomer, grinner, groaner, grunter, guesser, handicapped person, hater, straight person, straight, homo, gay, homunculus, hope, hoper, huddler, hugger, immune, insured, insured person, interpreter, introvert, Jat, jewel, gem, killer, slayer, relative, relation, kneeler, knocker, knower, large person, Latin, laugher, learner, scholar, assimilator, left-hander, lefty, southpaw, life, lightning rod, linguist, polyglot, literate, literate person, liver, longer, thirster, yearner, loose cannon, machine, mailer, malcontent, man, manipulator, man jack, onanist, measurer, nonmember, mesomorph, mestizo, ladino, middlebrow, miracle man, miracle worker, misogamist, mixed-blood, modern, mother hen, mutilator, maimer, mangler, namer, namesake, neglecter, neighbor, neighbour, neutral, nondescript, nonparticipant, nonperson, unperson, nonsmoker, nude, nude person, nurser, occultist, old maid, optimist, orphan, ostrich, ouster, ejector, outcaste, outdoorsman, owner, possessor, pamperer, spoiler, coddler, mollycoddler, pansexual, pardoner, forgiver, excuser, partner, party, passer, personage, personification, perspirer, sweater, philosopher, picker, chooser, selector, pisser, urinator, planner, contriver, deviser, powderer, preserver, propositus, public relations person, pursuer, pussycat, quarter, quitter, radical, realist, rectifier, redhead, redheader, red-header, carrottop, registrant, reliever, allayer, comforter, repeater, rescuer, recoverer, saver, rester, restrainer, controller, revenant, rich person, wealthy person, have, right-hander, right hander, righthander, riser, romper, roundhead, ruler, swayer, rusher, scientist, man of science, scratcher, second-rater, mediocrity, seeder, cloud seeder, seeker, searcher, quester, sentimentalist, romanticist, shaker, mover and shaker, signer, signatory, simpleton, simple, six-footer, skidder, slider, slipper, slave, sleepyhead, sloucher, small person, smasher, smiler, sneezer, sniffer, sniffler, sniveler, snuffer, snuffler, socializer, socialiser, sort, sounding board, sphinx, spitter, expectorator, sprawler, spurner, squinter, squint-eye, stifler, smotherer, stigmatic, stigmatist, stooper, struggler, guinea pig, surrenderer, yielder, survivalist, survivor, suspect, tapper, tempter, termer, terror, scourge, threat, testator, testate, thin person, skin and bones, third-rater, thrower, tiger, toucher, transfer, transferee, transvestite, cross-dresser, trier, attempter, essayer, tyrant, undoer, opener, unfastener, untier, vanisher, victim, dupe, Victorian, visionary, waiter, waker, walk-in, wanter, needer, ward, warrior, watcher, weakling, doormat, wuss, wiggler, wriggler, squirmer, winker, withholder, witness, yawner, ghost


Member Meronyms: people


Derivational Morphology: personalize, personalise, individualize, individualise, personify, personate


Language Translations:
Albanian: shpirt   Catalan: ànima  
Chinese: 灵魂   Croatian: duša  
Dutch: soul and ziel   Esperanto: animo  
Finnish: sielu and soul   French: âme and soul  
German: Seele and Soul   Greek: σόουλ and ψυχή  
Hebrew: נשמה and רוח חיים   Hindi: आत्मा  
Hungarian: lélek   Irish: anam  
Italian: anima   Japanese: ソウル and  
Korean: and 소울 and 영혼   Latin: anima  
Latvian: dvēsele and soul mūzika   Malayalam: ആത്മാവു്  
Polish: dusza and soul and życie   Portuguese: alma  
Romanian: muzică soul and spirit and suflet   Russian: душа and соул  
Slovak: duša and soul   Slovene: duša  
Spanish: alma   Swedish: själ and soul  
Telugu: ఆత్మ   Turkish: ruh  
Ukrainian: душа  
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