See Also: fire, give notice, can, dismiss, give the axe, send away, sack, force out, give the sack, terminate, send packing, drop, straight, honest, honorable, related
Hyponyms: choreograph, stet, point the way, misdirect, misaddress, instrument, re-address, address, range in, home in, zero in, target, aim, place, point, draw a bead on, hold, turn, swing, charge, level, stage direct, dock, sheer, pull over, crab, navigate, stand out, starboard, conn, pilot, channel, canalize, canalise, corner, park, project, cast, contrive, throw, divert, route, refer, redirect, airt, blow, beacon, hand, mislead, misguide, lead astray, usher, show, have, make, give, guide, steer, head, lead, operate, run
Pertainyms: straight
Grouped Verbs: conduct
Attributes: directness, straightness
Derivational Morphology: orchestration, organization, organisation, administration, governance, governing body, establishment, brass, organizer, organiser, labor organizer, engineer, applied scientist, technologist, originator, conceiver, mastermind, directive, addressee, address, destination, name and address, topographic point, place, spot, aim, object, objective, target, prey, quarry, fair game, director, theater director, theatre director, conductor, music director, lead, conducting, channelization, channelisation, canalization, canalisation, usher, guide, forefront, head, headway, bearing, heading, maneuver, manoeuvre, play, maneuverer, manoeuvrer, helmsman, steersman, steerer, steering, steerage, guidance, sending, leader, manager, managing director
Anagrams: credit
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