Dictionary and Thesaurus

  Definition of Be

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Similar Words: beryllium, glucinium, atomic number 4, be, follow, exist, live, constitute, represent, make up, comprise, equal, embody, personify, cost


Hyponyms: vet, cox, come, preexist, kick around, knock about, kick about, coexist, prevail, hold, obtain, dwell, consist, lie, belong, lie in, endanger, jeopardize, jeopardise, menace, threaten, imperil, peril, flow, distribute, look, suffer, hurt, be well, feel, stay, remain, rest, continue, sparkle, scintillate, coruscate, confuse, throw, fox, befuddle, fuddle, bedevil, confound, discombobulate, rank, point, want, need, require, compact, pack, cut, seethe, boil, mope, moon around, moon about, appear, seem, owe, cover, represent, account, cut across, begin, start, stand, specify, define, delineate, delimit, delimitate, go, make sense, add up, comprise, prove, turn out, turn up, account for, stand by, stick by, stick, adhere, loiter, lounge, footle, lollygag, loaf, lallygag, hang around, mess about, tarry, linger, lurk, mill about, mill around, total, number, amount, count, matter, weigh, rate, deserve, merit, buy, shine, fall, depend, underlie, stink, subtend, incarnate, body forth, embody, substantiate, contain, take, cost, be, measure, hum, buzz, pass, abound, disagree, disaccord, discord, gape, yawn, yaw, tend, be given, lean, incline, run, figure, enter, press, rage, relate, interrelate, rut, stagnate, come in handy, squat, hoodoo, impend, range, stay on, sell, translate, head, head up, come in for, compare, run into, encounter, gravitate, pay, diverge, iridesce, hang, litter, suit, end, terminate, fit, lend, let go, wind, curve, jumble, mingle, promise, accept, clean, draw, wash, balance, hail, act, test, answer, beat, connect, kill, make, deck, adorn, decorate, grace, embellish, beautify, work, lubricate, breathe, trim, swing, osculate, retard, transplant, cohere, object, recognize, put out, compose, form, constitute, straddle, fall into, fall under, present, pose, supplement, stretch, stretch along, attend, go to, occupy, fill, shack, reside, live, inhabit, people, populate, domicile, domiciliate, stand back, keep one's eyes off, keep one's distance, keep one's hands off, stay away, reach, extend to, touch, lead, extend, poke out, reach out, sit, face, follow, center on, equate, correspond, match, check, jibe, gibe, tally, agree, stand for, body, personify, exemplify, set back, knock back, put back


Grouped Verbs: survive, last, live, live on, go, endure, hold up, hold out


Substance Meronyms: beryl, chrysoberyl, gadolinite, ytterbite


Derivational Morphology: being, beingness, existence, animation, life, living, aliveness, organism, constitution, composition, makeup, character, role, theatrical role, part, persona, image, monetary value, price, cost


Language Translations:
Bosnian: biti   Croatian: biti  
Danish: ''not translated'' and blive and finde sted and være   Dutch: gelijk and zijn  
Esperanto: (passive form of the verb) -eo and egali and ekzisti and esti and okazi   Finnish: ''active tense used'' and olla  
French: ''not translated; use the equivalent simple tense, or the imperfect in the past'' and aller and être and faire   German: sein and werden  
Greek: ''use imperfective verb form of the appropriate tense'' and ''usually translated using the passive form of the active verb'' and υπάρχω and ίσον and γίνομαι and είμαι   Hungarian: lenni  
Irish: ''specific form of each verb must be used'' and   Italian: andare and essere and stare  
Korean: (adjective conjugates with no additional word) and (passive form of the verb) - and -   Latin: esse  
Lithuanian: būti   Polish: być  
Romanian: ''not translated; use the equivalent simple tense, or the imperfect in the past'' and fi   Russian: быть  
Slovene: biti   Spanish: (reflexive form of the verb) -es and estar and ser  
Swedish: vara and vara här  
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