Dictionary and Thesaurus

  Definition of Travel

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Similar Words: locomotion, traveling, travelling, change of location, go, move, locomote, trip, jaunt, journey, move around


See Also: advance, progress, pass on, move on, march on, go on, move out, withdraw, retreat, pull away, draw back, recede, pull back, retire, move back, climb, climb up, mount, go up, elapse, lapse, pass, slip by, glide by, slip away, go by, slide by, go along, abscond, bolt, absquatulate, decamp, run off, go off, go out, travel by, pass by, surpass, go past, rise, lift, arise, move up, come up, uprise, sink, settle, go down, go under, set, descend, fall, come down, continue, carry on, proceed, go around, spread, circulate


Hyponyms: brachiation, walk, walking, step, gait, run, running, jog, trot, lope, crawl, crawling, creep, creeping, lap, circle, circuit, dance step, stroke, circumnavigation, peregrination, crossing, driving, riding, horseback riding, air travel, aviation, air, journey, journeying, stage, leg, staging, on the road, on tour, junketing, water travel, seafaring, commutation, commuting, ascension, circulation, gravitation, levitation, descent, entrance, entering, fall, flow, flowing, progress, progression, advance, rise, rising, ascent, spread, spreading, stampede, translation, go around, circulate, carry, ease, whish, float, swap, seek, whine, fly, ride, come, ghost, betake oneself, pass over, overfly, wend, do, raft, get around, get about, repair, resort, cruise, come up, round, trundle, push, travel purposefully, swing, roll, wander, swan, stray, tramp, roam, cast, ramble, rove, range, drift, vagabond, take the air, weave, wind, thread, meander, forge, spurt, spirt, scramble, slither, slide, wheel, glide, bounce, jounce, breeze, be adrift, blow, play, swim, turn, move around, slice into, slice through, err, drive, motor, automobile, ski, wing, steam, taxi, ferry, sit, prance, lift, arise, move up, go up, uprise, ascend, descend, go down, come down, zigzag, crank, follow, travel along, pass on, move on, march on, go on, withdraw, retreat, pull away, draw back, recede, pull back, retire, move back, retrograde, proceed, go forward, continue, back, pan, precede, lead, pursue, return, go back, get back, come back, derail, jump, flock, accompany, billow, angle, pass, go through, go across, travel by, pass by, surpass, go past, go by, travel rapidly, speed, hurry, zip, zoom, rush, hotfoot, hasten, hie, race, pelt along, rush along, cannonball along, bucket along, belt along, trail, shack, shuttle, hiss, whoosh, whisk, career, lance, outflank, propagate, draw, transfer, change, swash, pace, tread, hurtle, whistle, island hop, plow, plough, lurch, sift, drag, bang, precess, snowshoe, beetle, hop, junket, travel to, visit, ply, commute, travel back and forth, peregrinate, tour, globe-trot, sledge, voyage, sail, navigate, trek, ship, itinerate


Grouped Verbs: move, displace, journey


Derivational Morphology: go, move, locomote, journey, move around, locomotion, motive power, motivity, motion, movement, mover, change of location, traveler, traveller, excursion, jaunt, outing, junket, pleasure trip, expedition, sashay, trip, sightseer, excursionist, tripper, rubberneck, journeying, wayfarer, journeyer, traveling, travelling


Anagrams: varlet


Language Translations:
Bosnian: putovati   Catalan: viatjar  
Chinese: 旅行   Croatian: putovati  
Dutch: reis and reizen   Finnish: matkailu and matkustaa  
French: voyager   German: Reise and reisen  
Hungarian: utazni   Interlingua: viagiar  
Italian: viaggiare   Japanese: 旅行  
Korean: 여행   Malayalam: യാത്ര  
Norwegian: reise   Polish: podróżować  
Portuguese: viagem and viajar   Romanian: voiaj  
Russian: путешествовать   Spanish: viajar and viaje  
Swedish: resa and resande   Telugu: ప్రయాణము  
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